Dédale is a free web application available at dedale.bireme.io, which simplifies the creation of mail templates.

With Dédale, our aim is to provide the ideal tool to help entrepreneurs and companies to build email communications with a consistent brand image, while spending as little time on it as possible.

We do our best to offer an intuitive solution that encourages best practices usage and reducing the time needed to develop and use mailing as a communication channel.

Centralize mail templates

With Dédale, you can centralize all your mail templates in a single tool and easily export them to all your services according to your different use cases.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the advantages of centralizing on Dédale:

  • Avoid scattering templates across several different services: It can happen that mail templates are used in different applications (between mailing services or user authentication services, for example), making inter-departmental collaboration, storage, archiving and day-to-day template management much more difficult,
  • Reducing dependency on services: Not creating your own template via the integrated proprietary solutions of mailing platforms guarantees the freedom to use the same template everywhere, without dependency, while retaining control over the addition of modifications, even after termination. It also facilitates migration to other platforms without the need for a developer,
  • Simplify collaboration: since development and preview can be carried out within the application, each department can access all models and export them without any special technical skills,

Without creating an account, storage is carried out in your browser’s data, with a maximum limit of 1 template. If you clean your history or browsing data, you will lose your work.

You can create a free account to benefit from permanent storage in the cloud.

An optimized environment for developers

Dédale guarantees the right experience for developers with :

  • Full integration with TypeScript: with automatic typing support (including plugins)
  • Automatic management of external dependencies: you can import any dependencies available on NPM, and Dédale will take care of downloading them for you.
  • Error handling and display in preview: integration of a dedicated error handling system for mail template development
  • Can I email? integration: with automatic detection of HTML and CSS properties that are limited and poorly supported by email clients. Feature under development.

The application was designed using the React Email library to ensure an optimal development experience by coding its email in TypeScript and with React.

Read the React Email documentation to learn more

A preview in real-life conditions

Dédale includes an advanced preview feature that lets you test your email template in real-life conditions. This feature is designed to ensure that your emails will display correctly on all major clients and devices.

Dédale is also providing an unique variables system to let you write template strings inside you template and still preview them as what you would have as final result in your recipients mail clients. Learn more on how the variables system is working

Finaly, adjust the preview window to simulate the display on different devices (smartphones, tablets, computers). This ensures that your emails adapt to all screen types for an optimal user experience.

Integrates easily within your current workflow

Export your templates in HTML, a format compatible with the majority of existing professional services. This ensures seamless integration with your usual mailing tools without the need for additional conversion or adaptation.

If you have ideas and/or comments that could help us improve Dédale, you can make a feature request via our dedicated channel.